What are Cuddle Cavapoos?

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    I owe this post to a reader’s response to an earlier article in my blog in which I defined the weight of Cavapoos to be between 8-25 pounds. The reader is the owner of a Cuddle Cavapoo that weighs about 45 pounds. I’m thankful to that reader for his straightforward response to my article for the following reasons. 

    • It allowed me to correct my post. Though my error was unintentional, it skewed reliable information about Cavapoos. I wrote from my experience as an owner of a Mini Cavapoo, failing to provide data about the larger Cavapoo.
    • It encouraged me to be a better writer. Input from readers can contribute to better output by writers. I’m a new blogger and I’m constantly learning the science of blogging. The reader’s response caused me to do more research, which is a key ingredient to successful blogging. 
    • It opened my door to the amazing and beautiful world of Cuddle Cavapoos. Prior to receiving the reader’s email, I didn’t even know that a Cuddle Cavapoo category existed. 

    A Little Background…

    Cavapoos are among the most coveted designer dogs. 

    Cavapoos aren’t pure bred. 

    As a hybrid dog, Cavapoos have their genetic makeup from a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a poodle. 

    The purpose of breeding the two purebred canines was to produce an offspring that’d possess the best traits of both parents. 

    Characteristics like superb intelligence, undying loyalty, friendliness, gentleness, and being easy to train are features that Cavapoos inherit from the blend. 

    If you’re interested in pursuing a deeper study of the generations of Cavapoos, check out my post entitled Learning About the Best Generations of Cavapoos.

    Cavapoos come in a variety of sizes due to several factors. 

    The primary factor under consideration for this article is genetic makeup. 

    While most Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are about the same size, the same can’t be said of poodles. 

    Poodles are packaged as Toy, Miniature, and Standard (or Moyen). 

    Therefore, the type of Cavapoo produced by the breeding of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a poodle will depend on the type of poodle used. 

    Now, a Look at the Different Types of Cavapoos

    Teacup Cavapoos are the smallest of all Cavapoos. The Teacup version is the offspring of a Toy Poodle and a small Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Its’ weight will range from 5-10 pounds while its’ height will be 8-10 inches. Teacup Cavapoos can experience additional health concerns to those already common to Cavapoos such as Collapsing Tracheas, Hydrocephalus (water on the brain), and Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

    Toy Cavapoos is the result of the breeding of a Toy Poodle and a regular sized Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Toy Cavapoos usually weighs 7-13 pounds and stand at about a foot tall. 

    Miniature Cavapoos result from the breeding of a Miniature Poodle and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They’ll weigh anywhere between 13-25 pounds and will grow to a height of 12-16 inches.

    Now, on to the Cuddle Cavapoo! Cuddle Cavapoos are the largest of the Cavapoo breed, resulting from the mating of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a small Standard or Moyen (midsized) Poodle. Cuddle Cavapoos tip the scales between 25-40ish pounds! In fact, some suggest that Cuddle Cavapoos could reach approximately 60 pounds.

    A Look at the Awesome Cuddle Cavapoo!

    Why the name Cuddle Cavapoo? 

    According to pinewoodcavapoos.com, “it’s a name a fellow Cavapoo breeder coined for a bit larger Cavapoo.”

    I think it’s apparent that the larger Cavapoo (as well as his smaller counterparts) loves to cuddle with his people!

    Cuddle Cavapoos are Great Therapy Dogs

    While Cavapoos in general possess exquisite beauty and extreme intelligence, Cuddle Cavapoos magnify that appeal and brilliance! 

    Their outgoing personality, gentleness, and sensitivity combine with their appearance and intelligence to make them a great choice as therapy dogs in nursing home facilities, hospitals, and many other settings. If you’d like to read more about where therapy dogs can use their talents, click Discover 7 Reasons Why Your Cavapoo is the Ultimate Therapy Dog.  

    For example, Cuddle Cavapoos are well suited to provide therapeutic services to nursing home residents using wheelchairs or walkers. 

    In fact, the reader who I referred to earlier, along with his Cuddle Cavapoo is a registered Pet Partners Therapy Dog Team providing services to various facilities.  

    Guided by his trainer, a Cuddle Cavapoo can walk up to the side of a wheelchair bound resident, making it so easy for the person to pat his head and talk to his new friend. A brief encounter with a Cuddle Cavapoo can make the day brighter for shut ins. 

    Why Choose the Cuddle Cavapoo?

    Of course, choosing a Cuddle Cavapoo over the smaller Cavapoos is a personal choice of dog lovers. 

    However, there are other factors that may enter into the decision to own a Cuddle Cavapoo.

    For example, a dog owner may want a more active and alert dog in addition to the remarkable qualities generally found in Cavapoos. 

    He can find that in the Cuddle Cavapoo.


    Cavapoos are an awesome hybrid resulting from the mating of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a poodle. 

    Cuddle Cavapoo? 

    The name fits. 

    A loving dog that is man’s best friend.


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