
Cavapoos-the Einstein Dog of the Universe!

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When I think of intelligence there are two names that come to mind.

The first name belongs to the King of Intelligence, Albert Einstein.

The second one is the name for that brilliant breed of designer dogs-the Cavapoo!

Cavapoos are among the intellectual juggernauts of the canine world!

In other words, they’re so smart!

We live in a world of artificial intelligence with the goal of making life easier. 

I’m telling you, there’s nothing artificial about the intelligence of Cavapoos!

But how did they get so smart? 

What is it about Cavapoos that allows them to excel cognitively?

Well, the primary reason for their “smarts” is due to their genetic composition.

Cavapoos result from the breeding of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a Miniature or Toy Poodle. However, if a Standard Poodle is used in the breeding process, the outcome will be a Cuddle Cavapoo (a Cavapoo weighing up to 45 pounds or more).

While both parents of the Cavapoo breed are very smart dogs, the poodle’s intellect is off the charts! In fact, the poodle ranks as the second most intelligent dog in the world!

It’s no surprise that the offspring from the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the poodle is exceptionally smart!

But along with the intellectual prowess of the Cavapoo there’s a challenge. 

The challenge is to stir the Cavapoo’s mind so that he will not become bored. 

Why is It So Important for Your Cavapoo to Thrive Intellectually?

If you don’t stimulate your Cavapoo’s mental abilities, your pup will become sidetracked or unfocused and, consequently will involve himself in destructive behavior.

After all, his bottled-up energy must come out somewhere, right?

Consider a couple of scenarios:

Maybe you’re the victim of a ruined pair of shoes. Not any old shoes, but your best pair. And your fur baby exercised his jaw muscles on them! You couldn’t ID them as shoes! Now they’re chewed up, leather mush.

Ever come home and find your Cavapoo had thrown a confetti party? He’d ripped up a pee pad that you responsibly placed for him in itty bitty tiny pieces. 

So, it’s imperative to channel your pup’s energy by giving him toys and products that’ll test and challenge his brilliant think tank to keep him intellectually satisfied.

Cavapoo and his owner showing teamwork

By Working With Your Cavapoo to Keep Him Intellectually Involved You’re Also Bonding With Him!

Your Cavapoo needs teamwork! 

He needs your encouragement, your “way to go’s,” and your pats on the head.

Reward him with his favorite treat when he completes an educational game.

Just as you’re involved in promoting the educational attainments of your children by supporting them financially and emotionally, doesn’t it make sense that you follow that same rule with your Cavapoo? By the way, you’ve got a financial investment in him too! 

Your participation in this is so important!

And remember, investing your time, money, and effort in your Cavapoo’s mental acuity doesn’t only benefit your pup. 

It’ll benefit you too!

You’ll win his heart. 

He’ll entertain you.

Your involvement will keep you more active socially, cognitively, and physically.

It’s a win-win for you and your Cavapoo!

Here’s a Few Products to Help Your Cavapoo’s Cognitive Growth!

Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Dog Brick Dog Puzzle

This amazing puzzle will inspire your Cavapoo to give his all in finding treats hidden behind blocks. This toy is built to keep your pup engaged and focused while rewarding him after he solves the mystery!

Constructed out of materials that won’t endanger your dog’s health, the Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Dog Brick Puzzle is a must for Cavapoo owners! 

And here’s another plus! It’s easy to clean! Just wash with soap and water.

But here’s the best part! You ready?

It’s very inexpensive! Now, I can’t reveal the exact price because prices change from time to time. But my advice to you is to CLICK NOW on Amazon’s link before the price goes up!

I know you’ll be pleased!

Acools Dog Buttons for Communication, 8 Pcs Dog Talking Button Set

You’ve got to check this one out! 

Talk about a mental stimulation toy! 

Teach your Cavapoo how to communicate beyond just a whimper or a bark. 

Record your voice on 8 different colored buttons with commands like “Play,” “Food,” “Eat,” and more! Then sit back and watch as your puppy paws each button to hear a command. 

This toy makes communicating with your new pup easy and fun while stimulating his mind at the same time!

Remember the old rule: “Communication is the key to success in any relationship!”

The Dog Buttons for Communication is a winner! You’ve got to click here to read more about this awesome product on Amazon! 

Pet Zone IQ Treat Ball Dog Treat Dispenser

If you’re the practical type, this is for you!

The Pet Zone IQ Treat Ball Dog Treat Dispenser provides that intellectual stimulation for your pup while encouraging slower and healthy eating habits. 

It comes in two sizes, 3 inches and 4 inches, depending on the size of your dog. 

The challenge for your pup is to get that ball rolling in such a way to dispense treats or kibble.

And, once your Cavapoo figures out how to solve the puzzle you can increase the difficulty level. Now that’s cool!

This toy can be cleaned easily by disassembling and using warm soapy water. After drying it you’re ready to reload!

Need more information? Click on this link and let Amazon give you that deciding information.


Your Cavapoo is in a league all by himself. 

He’s beautiful.

He’s entertaining.

He’s loyal.

And he’s SMART!

As an owner of a Cavapoo, I want to challenge you to challenge him with educational toys. 

Give him something to think about!


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