How to Teach Cavapoos the Tricks of the Trade

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Cavapoos Love to Do Tricks!

They live to put on a show, do zoomies, and perform for their audiences.

There isn’t a shy bone in their little bodies. And the more attention they get, the better!

A look at this breed may give some insight into why Cavapoos are easy to train and why they love to put on a show!

The Cavapoo is a mix between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle (most likely a Mini-Poodle). Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are very smart, and they love to learn new tricks.

The Poodle also is very intelligent. In fact, the Poodle is ranked as the second most intelligent dog in the world, behind the Border Collie. And with this super high dose of intelligence, the Poodle is also a fast learner of tricks. They can understand and learn a new command with fewer than five repetitions. 

Cavapoos are doubly blessed with the genetic makeup that allows them to be headliners each evening before their human families.

They’re entertainers! 

A Look at Some Tricks Cavapoos Can Learn

a dog sitting on a white box

Cavapoos can learn these tricks!

  • Sit on command.
  • Stay on command.
  • Lay down when commanded.
  • Catch toys in the air.
  • Do paw-shakes.
  • Roll over. 
  • Spin.
  • Retrieve a thrown object.
  • Crawl.

It Takes Cooperation to Reach the Ultimate Goal


Owners and their pups must work together to achieve optimum results.

If either neglects their part the result will be negative.

But owners must lead.

They must direct.

So, let’s look at what owners can do to help Cavapoos learn the tricks of the trade.

Be Consistent in Teaching Your Cavapoo

a close up of a game board

Although Cavapoos are highly intelligent and will learn tricks very quickly, pet owners must be consistent in their training techniques.

Repetition is an important rule for learning among all species. We learn to do things by repetitive actions.

The same is true for Cavapoos.

Owners, be consistent in teaching your Cavapoo tricks.

You’ll be pleased with the results!

Be Patient With Your Cavapoo

brown wooden framed white and black happy birthday greeting card

Going over a command in a kind and gentle manner will cause your Cavapoo to learn much faster than otherwise.

Raising your voice, shouting, or yelling when your pet doesn’t meet your standards will squelch your pup’s educational attainments.

The result?

An unhappy dog and a miserable you.

Use Positive Reinforcement in Teaching and Training

multicolored dog bone toys

Praise your Cavapoo during the learning process.

Pat him on the head.

Give him a tummy rub.

Feed him his favorite treat after he completes a trick.

Rewarding your pet will encourage him to learn additional tricks.

He needs to know that he’s pleased you with his ability and knowledge.

Find a Place Where Your Cavapoo Won’t Be Distracted

grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign

It’s very difficult for dogs to learn new tricks when children are present.

Kids love pets. They want to play with them. Maybe even chase them.

Find a room that is quiet and peaceful and void of disruptions.

Also, don’t attempt to teach your Cavapoo tricks when other pets are in the room.

It just won’t work! 

Shorter Training Sessions are Better Than Longer Ones

person holding white and silver-colored pocket watch

Cavapoos, being intelligent and inquisitive dogs, naturally have shorter attention spans. 

The American Kennel recommends keeping training sessions to five minutes maximum. 

Longer sessions may bore your pup.

As humans, we learn best when taking baby steps instead of taking it all in at once.

Why should we expect anything differently from a Cavapoo?

Make Training Sessions Fun

red white yellow and blue plastic dice

While teaching involves repetition, repetition, repetition, it needs to be stimulating.

Make sure that training sessions are exciting and fun.

One way to accomplish this is by making training a game.

Develop strategies that’ll keep your Cavapoo interested.

Don’t Overtrain Your Pup

white long coated small dog on white textile

Puppies are energetic, but they have their limits!

A tired Cavapoo can become confused, irritable, and disinterested.

But a fresh, rested mind is a learning machine. 

Also, because Cavapoos are small, they can easily hurt themselves if overworked

Don’t Have Unrealistic Goals

While Cavapoos are remarkable pets with an insatiable desire to learn, don’t expect them to instantly become circus material.

Setting standards too high or being unrealistic can result in your Cavapoo becoming disappointed, failing to learn tricks, and ultimately giving up altogether.

Start with a simple command and then work your way up, training your Cavapoo to be a showstopper!

Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day.

And, although Cavapoos are so brilliant, they won’t be fully trained in one day!

The Rewards of Good, Effective Training

Teaching your Cavapoo tricks in an effective manner will not only result in awesome entertainment for you but will also reward your pup in positive ways that’ll bless your dog throughout his lifetime.

Now, take a gander at these marvelous rewards!

  • Your Cavapoo Will Learn Patience.

Every second spent in training your pup to sit, lay down, roll over, fetch, and do other commands will help your pooch develop the important trait of patience.

There’ll be times when your Cavapoo will have to be alone (for example, when you run an errand).

And instead of your puppy experiencing separation anxiety, he will instead, patiently wait for your return!

  • He’ll Release Energy That’ll Benefit Him Physically and Mentally

Good, effective training will also help your Cavapoo vent stored up energy.

Cavapoos need exercise. They need to be walked daily.

If they don’t receive a proper amount, it will affect their health. 

Experts suggest that a good rule of thumb is five minutes of exercise for every month of age up to two times per day

  • He’ll Learn Obedience

Each trick learned is tied to obedience.

The result is a well-behaved dog.

  • Your Cavapoo Will Develop Better Social Skills

Cavapoos are not loners.

They thrive around humans.

Learning various and numerous tricks and demonstrating what is learned allows them to mature socially.

It builds security and confidence. 

  • The Bond Between Cavapoos and Owners Will Grow Stronger

Cavapoos appreciate (to say the least) their owners teaching them tricks.

Taking time and effort to train results in bonds that’ll last.

The old saying “A dog is man’s best friend,” is true.

But it’s equally true that “Man is a dog’s best friend.”

What a bond!

  • Training Will Strengthen Your Cavapoo’s Mental Ability

Cavapoos have one of the sharpest canine minds due to their parentage.

Both the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Poodle are intellectual giants, so it’s no surprise that their offspring also are blessed with superior cognitive development.

Training sharpens the mind.

It cultivates thinking.

Through training Cavapoos can guard against negative behavior.

Boredom usually results in inferior behavior.

Train your Cavapoo.

Strengthen his mind. 

  • It’ll Produce a Happy Dog

Remember that Cavapoos are “Velcro-dogs.”

Taking time to train your Cavapoo will result in him being happy.

Dogs, like humans, can be moody.

But, by teaching him tricks, he knows how special he is to you.

Time + teaching = a happy dog.

We love those that we spend time with.

Love your pup!

He’ll be happy about it.

  • Your Pup Will Learn to Respect Authority

Cavapoos respect the voice of their owner.

Through training they learn to be submissive and to listen to authority.

They’ll do anything for their masters.


It’s called trust, honor, and obey. 


Let’s wind this post up by rehashing the main thoughts already expressed.

If you’re a Cavapoo owner, this is what you need to know.

  • Cavapoos can easily be taught the tricks of the trade! 
  • Their intellectual ability plus their desire to please is a winning combination. 
  • Owners who take time to teach their dogs will be rewarded richly. 
  • Start out slow. 
  • Be patient. 
  • Lovingly train your pup. 
  • Don’t overdo it.
  • Make training interesting and fun.
  • Let them know how proud you are of them. 
  • Give them opportunities to showcase their talent. 

Not only will you have a trick dog, but you’ll also have a dog that’ll obey and be social.

You’ve invested a lot of money.

  • There’s the initial cost of purchasing a Cavapoo from a reputable breeder.
  • Then there’s the cost of vaccinations.
  • Don’t forget the expense of quality food.
  • And then there’s treats and toys.

And the list goes on.

While these are so important and crucial for raising a happy Cavapoo, it’s even more important to spend quality time and a lot of it with your pup.

You’ll make memories that’ll last a lifetime. 

Life is about making friends.

And one of your best friends will be your Cavapoo.

Teach him.

Train him.

Love him.

And then sit back and enjoy the show.

All the effort will be so worth it!



I am a Hospice Chaplain, Minister, Author, and Blogger. My blog is about Cavapoos, the amazing offspring of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Poodles. I hope you enjoy my posts. They are structured to inform, entertain, and bring attention to one of the more spectacular breeds of the canine world.

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