How to “Nail It” When Cutting Your Cavapoo’s Nails!

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You Can “NAIL IT!”

Interested in using the most efficient plan to cut your Cavapoo’s nails? Then you’re reading the right blog!

In just a moment you’ll notice six things you can do to make sure that this event will be easy and less stressful for you and your canine family member.

One of the best ways to remember something is to use acrostics. That is, letting each letter in a word stand for a term that explains a feature of the topic that you’re studying.

So, let’s use the phrase “NAIL IT” and explore six crucial points that you and I need to know about trimming our Cavapoo’s nails.


It’s NECESSARY to trim those nails! Whether you take Samson, Tigger, or Fido to the veterinarian or to your favorite pet groomer to have his nails trimmed or if do them yourself is your decision. But it must be done!

Failing to trim your puppy’s nails will result in them curling and growing all the way back into his paw pad. And that spells PAIN. So, it’s imperative that you give your pooch a pawdicure regularly.

The sooner you start clipping your dog’s nails the better. In other words, start it when he’s a pup so that he’ll grow accustomed to it.

Do this once a week, adding to the nail trim a little at a time. By following this rule, both the Cavapoo and his human can escape a routine ripe with anxiety. And by the time he’s reached adulthood, he won’t mind having his nails cut.

But how often should you trim his nails after he’s used to the clipping ritual? Advanced Care Veterinarian Hospital suggests that a dog’s nails should be cut every 3-4 weeks.

How important is it to do this?

Well, let’s imagine if YOU neglected cutting your nails. Think about long nails with a pronounced curl. How difficult would it be for you to text, use a laptop, or to do every day routine tasks?

The same is true with dogs in general and Cavapoos specifically.

Long, curly nails can dig into your pet’s paw pad, thereby contributing to your pup eventually having infection. It also can result in arthritis, joint pain, imbalance, and other medical issues.

Here’s a little hint to let you know when your pooch needs his nails cut: Does your pup’s nails click on the floor when he walks? If so, it’s time to cut those nails! “NAIL IT!”


a person measuring a piece of wood with a ruler

Now that we’ve established the necessity of trimming your Cavapoo’s nails regularly, let’s look at this topic from a different ANGLE.

Here’s the question: Should you cut your doggie’s nails at an angle and, if so, what angle should you trim those nails? Authorities suggest cutting underneath at a 45-degree angle to avoid getting into the quick.

I’m sure we all have accidentally cut our nails down into the quick and suffered for it. It’s painful! The “quick” refers to the bundle of nerves and vessels in our dogs’ claws.

Be sure that the cut is away from your dog so that the nail will be flush with the floor when he walks. And just trim a little at a time!



man in black sweater holding brown long coated small dog

INTERACT with your puppy during his pawdicure.

Dogs demonstrate a wide range of emotions when having their nails cut.

Some become agitated and will latch out at their owner (or whoever holds the clippers) and try to bite. Other pups become a ball of nerves and start whimpering and will pull back (their attempt to let their owners know they’re not all in with the procedure). And then there are the compliant doggies who just sit there and let their owners clip away.

Due to the different waves of behavior, you should interact with the Cavapoo during the nail clipping. Here are a few suggestions that’ll make your job a lot easier.

  • Talk to your pup in a calm voice. Speaking in a gentle, calm voice will give your dog confidence in your ability to trim his nails. But if you respond in a harsh tone he will react accordingly and it’ll only complicate matters. In fact, it’ll put him on high alert!
  • Divert his attention away from the nail-trimming procedure. Give him his favorite treat or, if you’re all out, just offer him some peanut butter. (Peanut butter is a good choice because it’ll take him longer to swallow, thereby giving you more time to cut away).
  • Don’t go solo! Have someone hold him while the dreaded instrument closes in on his paws. Here’s a hint: Draft someone who your pooch likes. That’ll make the process easier for all who are involved. And while the 2nd chair pets the pup, you can focus squarely on making a proper trim. 

It’s up to you as to how this process turns out. Interaction. Get involved.  Make it a team effort. 



brown and black animal paw

Understanding what LENGTH your canine’s nails should be is also important.

A good rule of thumb is to trim your Cavapoo’s nails within about 1/16 of an inch of his quick.

By doing this your pup’s nails won’t touch the floor when standing square on a level surface.

Trimming your Cavapoo’s nails the proper length will not only benefit him but you as well.

Nails that are too long may dig into your skin causing a painful tear. Long nails on your pooch can also scratch your wood floors, causing an outlay of cash to repair.

Being attentive to the right length will prevent a lot of issues down the road.



important, rubber stamp, imprint

It’s IMPORTANT to remember these suggestions, if you’re wanting to have a better experience clipping those nails!

These six steps are so practical and easy to do.

But more importantly, they will bring excellent results for you and your dog.

So, get busy and “NAIL IT!”


There are many TOOLS available for you to choose from to trim your Cavapoo’s nails.

I’m suggesting that you use the following to ensure a wonderful outcome with your furry friend.

The first one is the Millers Forge Nail Clipper. This amazing tool takes the fear out of clipping your dog’s nails! Click on the link Millers Forge Nail Clipper and buy it today from Amazon!

But maybe your pup is a little skittish. If so, here’s an alternative to using a clipper: Dremel PawControl Dog Nail Grinder and Trimmer. It’s a “softer approach” to cutting your canine’s nails. It’s also available from Amazon. Forever change the way you trim your pet’s nails by clicking on the above link! Do it now!

Remember, with these tools you can definitely NAIL IT!


Remembering the acrostic “N-A-I-L I-T” will equip you to become proficient in trimming your Cavapoo’s nails. And you’ll be rewarded in several amazing ways.

Here’s a list for you to consider:

  • You’ll save a lot of cash over time.
  • Your dog will experience better paw health.
  • You can avoid skin tears.
  • Your floors can remain free of scratches.
  • And one of the most valuable rewards is that your pooch will learn to trust you more and more.

So, every 3-4 weeks when you cut or grind your Cavapoo’s nails, remember you’ve got this! You now have everything you need to “NAIL IT!”



I am a Hospice Chaplain, Minister, Author, and Blogger. My blog is about Cavapoos, the amazing offspring of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Poodles. I hope you enjoy my posts. They are structured to inform, entertain, and bring attention to one of the more spectacular breeds of the canine world.

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