How Many Curls Do Cavapoos Have?

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The title of my article could very well be a tongue twister.

But my answer to my question is simply “I have no idea!”  

But I do know that those curls can be a lot of trouble if preventive maintenance is not done.

Why are Cavapoos so curly? 

Well, first, not all Cavapoos are curly. It depends on whether your puppy takes more after his poodle parent.

Check out my post on “Learning About the Best Generations of Cavapoos,” if you’re interested in a more in-depth discussion.

But back to the “curls” topic.

How can we manage the curls of a Cavapoo? Well, here are some tips.

brown poodle puppy on white plastic container
  • Use a Good Shampoo in Bathing Your Dog

The objective here is, of course, for your dog’s coat to be void of dirt and grime. 

You don’t want particles of outside debris or inside residue to be in your dog’s fur.

Use a shampoo that will not be harsh on your pup’s skin. 

One that I recommend to you is Burt’s Bees for Pets Puppies. You can order this straight from Amazon by clicking this link.

person holding gray corded hair dryer
  • Don’t Forget to Dry Your Dog!

You should avoid just using a towel to dry your dog after bathing. 

Using only a towel to dry your pup won’t get all the moisture from his coat, resulting in matting problems.

But while you can use your hair dryer to blow dry his fur, caution should be taken to not overdo it, because you could irritate his skin. 

In fact, letting a professional groomer bath and dry him is a good idea.

  • Brush His Coat Regularly

Brushing your Cavapoo regularly will prevent his tightly wound curls from getting all twisted.  

Brushing his coat will straighten any tangles.

And how often you brush your dog will determine how long you delay any matting of his fur.

What am I really saying?

I’m simply affirming that a curly Cavapoo, if left unbrushed, will eventually be a mangled, tangled, ball of fur.

So, if you brush in a repetitious routine, you put off any potential problem of a matted Cavapoo.

An excellent brush to use is the Swihauk Self-Cleaning Clicker Brush! Click here to be carried to Amazon to buy it!

  • Use Detangling Spray

Do you want to make your job of brushing easier?

Then use a good detangling spray on your pup’s coat while brushing him.

Why does this matter so much?

Most detangling sprays condition a dog’s hair or coat. Conditioning or softening the curls allows you to “undo” any knotted curls without causing your dog a lot of hair trauma!

One thing you certainly don’t want to do is to rip out hair by brushing! Doing that will cause your pup to “make a run for it” when he sees that brush in your hand!

What’s in the detangling spray that allows your brushing process to be smooth and uninterrupted from “knotted roadblocks?”

The common chemicals in detanglers are silicone and acidifier.

Silicone is an additive that gives your dog’s coat a shine.

Now, here’s the technical explanation of what the chemical acidifier does in the detangling spray. Are you ready?

Acidifier strengthens the hydrogen bonds between keratin molecules in hair, smoothing and tightening each strand.

The only part of the above explanation that I understand is that acidifier smooths and tightens each strand of hair. 

Now there are other chemicals in detangling spray, but I think you get the picture.

May I recommend what we use on our Opie? 

Now keep in mind that Opie is a F1b Cavapoo (which means he’s 75% poodle)!

He has a zillion and one curls.

We use CHI Detangling Finishing Dog Spray that does a marvelous job!

Purchase CHI from Amazon by clicking this link now!


Following these tips will give your dog a clean and shiny coat.

But, if you neglect grooming your dog, there’s something you’ll most likely have to do.

And that’s carrying him to a professional groomer to have him shaved.

Your pup may not appreciate that!

And you won’t enjoy looking at your wonderful pet without his coat!



I am a Hospice Chaplain, Minister, Author, and Blogger. My blog is about Cavapoos, the amazing offspring of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Poodles. I hope you enjoy my posts. They are structured to inform, entertain, and bring attention to one of the more spectacular breeds of the canine world.

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