Why Senior Citizens and Cavapoos Make a Great Team!

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We’re in the thick of football season.

High School, College, and then there’s the Pro’s.

Within these arenas, there are teams that excel in marching down the field with the leather spiral, eventually crossing the goal line.

But there’s another team, a team made of senior citizens and Cavapoos, that consistently scores points in a bigger game–the game of life.

Cavapoos, because of their amazing features, magically transform the lives of senior citizens.

The visual appeal of Cavapoos is certainly a plus when it comes to being chosen as the newest family member in the homes of senior citizens.

But there’s something more.

Much more…

Senior citizens love the inner beauty of Cavapoos expressed by their expertise in providing top notch company; their quest in keeping senior citizens active; their interest in sharpening the cognitive skills of older people; their aim in giving senior citizens a sense of purpose in life; and their role in helping seniors make new connections and friendships.

But before you dive deeper into my post, perhaps a side note is in order.

This topic is dear to my heart because my wife and I are in that age group where we get the senior discounts and wear the label of senior citizens.

We made the decision to add a Cavapoo to our lives almost two years ago. It’s a decision we’ve never regretted! So, I’m writing this post from my actual experience in owning a beautiful Cavapoo. 

But now let’s explore the amazing features of Cavapoos that combine with the love and care of senior citizens that make such a great team!

Cavapoos Provide Superb Company for Senior Citizens

The old saying that “a dog is man’s best friend,” is certainly true.

One of the more prominent characteristics of the Cavapoo breed is that they provide superb companionship for their humans.

They usually have one person in the family who they’re magnetically drawn to.

In the case of our Opie, my wife is his favorite person. Every day he’s either at her feet or in her lap. He won’t stray far from her side!

This trait has earned Cavapoos the label of lapdogs or Velcro dogs!

They owe this deep allegiance or devotion to their genetic makeup resulting from the mating of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle. 

Why is it so important that Cavapoos are exceptional socialites, providing superb company to senior citizens?

This particular trait of a Cavapoo is so important because it’s in this stage of life that many are empty nesters and have possibly lost their spouse.

It may be the case that they’ve been married for decades and now, suddenly, their mate has died.

Their children are now grown, perhaps living in another city or state.

Loneliness, grief, sadness, and even depression have set in, and they need help!

A Cavapoo is the answer to these battles that many senior citizens fight. 

Cavapoos are so adept in winning the heart of their humans.

They bring life back to an empty house.

They restore happiness.

They change attitudes.

Cavapoos Keep Senior Citizens Active

The genetic history of Cavapoos reveal parents who are excellent hunters.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel possesses a hunting instinct that you can track back to the Spaniel.  

And the Poodle was originally bred to retrieve waterfowl. 

So, if you’re a senior citizen reading my post while reclining in your chair, know that your Cavapoo’s pastime will involve you propelling one of his plush toys airborne!

And then the chase begins!

After retrieving the toy and bringing it back to you, the exercise is repeated again and again.  

It probably never crossed your mind that in your senior years you’d become a throwing machine, rifling balls and toys through the air for your Cavapoo! 

Here’s a side benefit: Throwing toys for your Cavapoo can improve your mobility and arm coordination!

Another activity that your Cavapoo will engage you in is walking. Cavapoos need about 30 minutes of exercise a day. If they don’t get enough exercise, they’ll become restless and start doing zoomies to release their pent-up energy. 

Here’s another side benefit: Going on a 30-minute walk with your Cavapoo will get your blood pumping! It’s good for your heart! 

Due to retirement, senior citizens have more time on their hands than those who are still in the work force.

They, therefore, have extra time to devote to the care and needs of a Cavapoo.

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Cavapoos Benefit the Cognitive Skills of Senior Citizens

Cavapoos demand the attention of their owners.

In fact, if a Cavapoo senses that his human isn’t focusing on him, he’ll engage in behavior that’ll redirect his owner’s eyes back to him. 

Want an example?

Our Opie loves being the center of attention!

And when or if he feels he’s not in the spotlight, he’ll get our shoes, or anything that we haven’t nailed down, and shake that poor object from east to west!

His intention?

Retrieving our attention!

And while numerous episodes might grow annoying, the side benefit is worth it all: he’s keeping our minds sharp!

He’s helping us to focus!

Senior citizens, like other age group owners, love to gain knowledge about their Cavapoos.

Today, with data and information at our fingertips, we can gain important info that’ll make us better owners.

But that requires some tech skills.

Tech skills that’ll also cultivate our minds.

Skills that’ll keep us sharp!

And it all goes back to owning a Cavapoo.

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Cavapoos Give Senior Citizens a Sense of Purpose

Everyone wants to feel needed.

The need to fulfill a role or to help someone or some thing is part of life.

Cavapoos help us to accomplish that need. 

According to research nearly 3/4 of pet owners say that their pets give them a sense of purpose.

Like other living, breathing pets, Cavapoos depend on their human for food, water, bathing, and “toiletry” concerns.

And there’s more: there’s the regular trips to the vet for shots and periodic visits to the groomer.

Cavapoos allow Senior Citizens to feel needed and useful.

After retirement, it’s possible that senior citizens may lose the satisfaction they once had from working.

However, the care given to a canine pet will renew that fulfillment and allow you to know that an amazing Cavapoo is depending on you!

couple, dog, walk

Cavapoos Help Senior Citizens Form New Friendships

Another side benefit of owning a Cavapoo is broadening your circle of friends.

This is accomplished in various ways.

For example, earlier in my post I wrote about the Cavapoo’s need to get exercise.

One obvious way to accomplish this is by taking him on a walk through your neighborhood or in a park.

While doing this you’ll meet other dog owners that you’ll be able to share stories with resulting in bonds, connections, and friendships!

But there’s another way that Cavapoos can widen the social arena of senior citizens.

And that’s through the social media world that we live in.

There’s so many Cavapoo groups on various social media groups that senior citizens (and other age groups) can join.

By participating in forums on Cavapoos, there’ll be opportunities to give input on different topics of concern.

And though you may never meet members of these groups, you’ll feel an affinity, a closeness with them. 


The Cavapoo is a unique breed of dog devoted to blessing the lives of their owners.

And when their owners belong to the senior citizen club, lives are dramatically improved. 

Speaking from personal experience, Cavapoos can add bounce to our lives.

They fill each day with smiles.

And due to their amazing zest and enthusiastic spirit, there’s no time to get lonely.

I can whole heartedly recommend that senior citizens who love dogs should consider the Cavapoo breed.

Your life may be full now.

But with a Cavapoo, you’ll soar to greater heights!

Senior citizens and Cavapoos-what a great team!


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